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Keyword: New Life Center

Glendale Westgate will host ‘Giving Machine’ this …

The Giving Machine, the “vending machine” that works in reverse by giving users an opportunity to donate a variety of much-needed items for local and global charities, will appear this holiday season in Glendale.

Donation to help New Life Center shelter in Goodyear …

New Life Center, in Goodyear, was recently gifted a disinfecting fogger to better serve its clients.

Domestic Violence rates are up in Arizona

The Valley and Arizona have earned poor marks when it comes to domestic violence. The state ranks fifth in the nation for the highest domestic violence rates, with about 42.6% of women and 33.4% of men experiencing intimate partner physical violence, sexual violence, or stalking according to World Population review.

New rape crisis center slates grand opening

New Life Center, the state’s largest domestic violence shelter, announces it will open one of the first sexual violence and rape crisis centers 4 p.m. Tuesday, May 24, at 3826 N. 3rd St., The …

Local shelter leader speaks on importance of pets …

People unfamiliar with the scope and magnitude of what domestic violence victims endure may not consider the pets involved in their lives as well as many remain in dangerous situations out of concern for their pet’s safety.

New Life Center, Home Depot partner for donations

The Southwest Valley’s New Life Center, one of the largest domestic violence shelters in the country, recently partnered with the Home Depot in Tolleson to receive in-kind donations from the community.